What are we doing?

How are we doing it?

  • Research

    What: To research options for alternative insurance cover for all apartment buildings in Wellington.

    How: We are progressing the research of the insurance sector to inform options to engage with BC Chairs, officials, and Ministers.

  • Awareness and engagement

    What: To create awareness and engage with as many BC Chairs (on behalf of apartment owners) as possible so that we have a collective mandate for the proposals that are put forward.

    How: We are establishing a list of apartment buildings and BC Chair contact details for ongoing engagement.

  • Legislative change

    What: To review, propose, and lobby for legislative change and government support for modifications to the Unit Titles Act 2010 (UTA) to allow BCs more flexibility to choose appropriate and affordable insurance cover.

    How: We are researching the insurance provisions in the UTA and drafting a discussion paper on proposals for improvements to the Act. We will engage with relevant groups on these proposals

  • Debate and discussion

    What: To promote debate and discussion on a more balanced view of the risk in Wellington in terms of potential damage to buildings and risk to life safety in a significant seismic event.

    How: We are looking at the options to improve the analysis for the level of risk of damage to buildings.